Navigate a successful onboarding process.


Navigate a successful onboarding process.

Navigating a seamless onboarding journey is our expertise at TCTC.

Effective customer onboarding is one of the most important processes we carry out at The Cotton Textile Company (TCTC) and this process starts with the very first contact.  

From the way we answer the telephone, to following up on commitments made during the first call, our intention always is to build rapport and trust early. This first call establishes if there is scope to move forward and, if so, a meeting is scheduled to kick off the onboarding. We can do this remotely, but we prefer to do it in person as face-to-face helps embed trust and is the best way to show our product samples.  

Our on-boarding meeting covers three areas:   

  1. New customer fact finding 
  2. Overview of TCTC 
  3. Product requirements  

New customer fact finding 

It’s important we understand as much as possible about how a new customer operates and their core values. The first part of the meeting is spent asking questions about the company’s core business activities, their values, supplier expectations, buying process/timelines, product lines and if there are brand guidelines and supplier manuals.  

Overview of TCTC 

Similarly, we give a detailed overview of who we are, what our service covers and how we work, where we manufacture, compliance activities and the products we specialise in. We show quality samples and examples of mood boards, tech packs, and critical paths, as well as our organisation chart, workflow documents and T&Cs.  

Product requirements  

Here we take a detailed brief from the customer. The aim of the brief is to ensure the TCTC team is clear on what is required of them, enabling the initial development stage to be as effective as possible. The brief covers the technical details, colourways, quantities, labelling and testing requirements, and packaging, including POS considerations. 

The onboarding process then continues back at the office with a debrief to our team, the development projects are added to our pipeline, and we implement first actions for the new project.   

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